Outlooks And Insights - Rabbi Leff Expounds Upon Current Issues & Timely Topics in Streaming Audio
Is pleased to present:

A Jewish Heritage Journey
to Lithuania, Poland & Belarus
led by the illustrious
Rabbi Zev Leff, Shlit'a
and other noted Rabbis on a
multi-media Jewish Heritage journey

to Lithuania, Poland & Belarus

(Telz, Kelm, Ponevezh, Kovno, Slobodka, Vilna, Radin, Volozhin, Mir, Brisk, Warsaw, Cracow, Lublin, Lizhensk, Gur, Lancut, Auschwitz and Majdanek)

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by
Judy Siegal-Itzkovitch of the Jerusalem Post on Oct 29, '04
Read the Review


The CD Rom includes:
Photos • Shiurim • Anecdotes • Biographies
Historical Notes • Music

Some of the shiurim that you will hear:

  • How the seeds of Torah which flourish today in Eretz Yisrael were created out of the ashes of Europe;
  • What gave the Torah the ability to spread?
  • What we are davening for at cemeteries? What we can learn from our visits?
  • Customs of visiting a cemetery.
  • Debunking the myth of Jews going as sheep to the slaughter
  • How the Torah views tzoris, yisurim, Why do bad things happen to good people;
  • How to view the ma'asim we heard along the way;
    Benefitting from the different "stations" we've endured throughout Golus;
  • Tailoring our teachings to the appropriate time and place;
  • The importance of different derachim (paths) in Yiddishkeit;
  • Taking pride in where we come from
  • ... and more

The Multimedia presentation is fully interactive - click on any city or country on the map and you will be brought to the appropriate section where you may choose to view the photographs, listen to a shiur or read a biography or background information on that city.

The whole family will benefit from and enjoy seeing the sites and hearing the sounds on this multimedia journey.


you can either;

end a check to:
E.Europe CD Rom
c/o Shachar
Moshav Matityahu 66
D.N. Modiin 71917 Israel

Price for the CD
including shipping and handling

$19.95 US
90.00 NIS

Together with your name and mailing address as well as email address
clearly printed on a separate page

You may purchase it through PayPal

Price for the CD
including shipping and handling

$19.95 US
90.00 NIS

please send an email with your name and mailing address as well as email address .

A joint project of

