Rabbi Leff Audio Online Homepage


Stained glass windows from Beth Pinchas shul (The Bostoner Rebbe's shul), Brookline, MA


Rosh Chodesh
Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Sukkos and Shmini Atzeres
Tal Umatar (Praying for Rain)
Tu B'shvat
Shana Meuberes (The Jewish Leap Year)
Birkas HaChama
Sefiras haOmer - Lag B'Omer
Yom HaShoah
Yom HaAtzmaut
Yom Yerushalayim
Tisha B'av
Tzomos (Fast Days)

Rosh Chodesh
(The New Month)

Birkas Hachodesh (Blessing the New Month)

Understanding Ya'aleh V'yavo

Elul, Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur

The Month of Elul & Slichos

Words of Inspiration delivered before Slichos - 5773 (Rosh Hashana 5774)

Words of Inspiration delivered before Slichos - 5772 (Rosh Hashana 5773)

Words of Inspiration delivered before Slichos - 5771 (Rosh Hashana 5772)

Elul - 5771

Words of Inspiration given before Slichos - 5770

Incentives for Teshuva - Delivered on the Shloshim of Shlomo ben Zev Jacobs - 5770

The Motif of Rosh Hashana and how to Accomplish it - 5770

The Details of Teshuva, part 1 - 5770

The Details of Teshuva, part 2 - 5770

The Details of Teshuva, part 3 - 5770

The Details of Teshuva, part 4 - 5770 - Delivered on the Shloshim of Rav Yehoshua Tzvi Michel Shapiro, z"l

What we are trying to accomplish on Rosh Hashana - 5770

Halachos of Rosh Hashana - 5770

Words of Inspiration delivered before Slichos - 5769

Elul & Life - 5769

Elul - The Concept of Avos & Imahos and the Attributes of Rachel Imenu
Special shiur given at the Israel Center - a reapeat of a shiur given for "Rachel's Children" in the home of Evelyn Hayes at Kever Rochel on Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5769

Words of Inspiration delivered before Slichos - video


NEW What is Elul All About, and How Can We Use It to Prepare for Rosh Hashana?
Elul 5766 (47 min.)

Striving for Perfection - An Introduction to Selichos 5765 (30 min.)

How to do Tshuva (repentence) for the sin of Lashon Hara (Slander) - Delivered over the phone to the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's Worldwide Torah Teleconference on the 24th of Elul, 5765
(10 min.)

Crying with the Shofar - delivered Elul, 5749
(57 min.)

Preparing for Yamim Noraim (Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur) - What Hashem Judges us for
(30 min.)

How to Utilize the Month of Elul Properly to Prepare for Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur

Shiur on Slichos
delivered at the Israel Center
(26:31 min.)

Words of Inspiration given before Slichos
(15:31 min.)

Halachos & minhagim of Slichos
(2:35 min.)

Another Hint to the Month of Elul

General Rules of Hataras Nedarim (Annuling vows before Rosh Hashana)
(3 min.)

The Components of Tshuva Elul 5765 (60 min.)

Rosh Hashana

Excerpts from the Drashos for 1st & 2nd days of Rosh Hashana, Layl Shabbos Shuva, Layl Kol Nidrei - 5774

Rosh Hashana - A Day for Crying - 5773 (Rosh Hashana 5774)

The Motif of Rosh Hashana - 5770 (51 min.)

What Are We Supposed to Accomplish on Rosh Hashana? - 5770
(29 min)

The Halachos of Rosh Hashana - 5770 (19 min.)

The Halachas & Hashkafas of Malchios, Zichronos & Shofros
(59:41 min)

The Central Theme of Rosh HaShana:
Malchios, Zichronos and Shofaros - part 1

(31:31 min)

The Central Theme of Rosh HaShana:
Malchios, Zichronos and Shofaros: Making one's self a sacrifice - part 2
(14:07 min)

Shabbos Drasha for the first night of Rosh Hashana

Halachos & minhagim of Erev Rosh Hashana
(10:45 min)

Have we used our free will to make the best use of the set of circumstances that Hashem has dealt us? (21 minutes)


Yom Kippur

Sins Between Man and his Fellow Man - Shabbos Shuva Drasha - 5772

Teshuva 5772

Topics for Yom Kippur and Sukkos 5772

The Miracle of Kappara - To the Boys of Matityahu (Hebrew) - 5771 Audio Video

Shabbos Shuva - The Essence of Yom Kippur - 5771

Shabbos Shuva - 5770

What is Teshuva (Repentence) All About? - 5770 (47 min.)

What the Avoda of Yom Kippur Represents - 5770 (26 min.)

Halachos of Yom Kippur - 5770 (20 min.)

Explaination of the "Al Cheits" in Vidui
Shabbos Shuva Drasha 5769, Part 2
(57 min.)

Pilpul shiur on Pirut ha Cheit in Vidui
Shabbos Shuva Drasha 5769, Part 1
(36 min.)

Yom Kippur Drosha 5758
(12 min)

Divrei Chizuk on Erev Yom Kippur Leilui Nishmas HaRav Refoel Green Z"TL
(38 min)

The Mechanics of Teshuva
(52 min)


The Mitzva of Vidui (Confession) on Yom Kippur
(60 min)

What is H-shem judging us on?
(46 min)

The Three Aspects of Mishpat (Judgement)
(48 min)

Yom Kippur Halachos and Minhagim - 5767

Halachos and Minhagim of Erev Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur
(42 min

Hashkafa of Yom Kippur
(17 min)

Yom Kippur - Are we really accomplishing anything? And if so, what?

Parshas Ki Savo - What we can learn from Vidui Maaser to help us prepare for Yamim Noraim
(30 min)

Making Yom Kippur Last - delivered Elul, 5750
(57 min)

How to Present Ourselves to Hashem in the Most Favorable Light in Preparation for Yom Kippur
Delivered at the Israel Center, 5766 (42 min)

Sukkos and Shmini Atzeres

Leil Hoshana Rabba 5774
Rabbi Leff's yearly shiur given on Leil Hoshana Rabba in memory of Yehudis bas Shlomo Yisrael Ostrin of Dolev, murdered by a terrorist booby trap in Matityahu, Leil Hoshana Rabba - 5754

דרשה ללילה הראשון של סוכות תשע"ד

Minhagim of Simchas Torah 5773
Rabbi Leff's yearly shiur given on Leil Hoshana Rabba in memory of Yehudis bas Shlomo Yisrael Ostrin of Dolev, murdered by a terrorist booby trap in Matityahu, Leil Hoshana Rabba - 5754 - (60 min.)

Topics for Yom Kippur and Sukkos 5772

Sukkos 5772 - Being Happy with One's Lot

Hakbalas Pnei Rabo B'Yom Tov
Rabbi Leff's yearly shiur given on Leil Hoshana Rabba in memory of Yehudis bas Shlomo Yisrael Ostrin of Dolev, murdered by a terrorist booby trap in Matityahu, Leil Hoshana Rabba - 5772

Hoshana Rabba as Yom Hadin
Rabbi Leff's yearly shiur given on Leil Hoshana Rabba in memory of Yehudis bas Shlomo Yisrael Ostrin of Dolev, murdered by a terrorist booby trap in Matityahu, Leil Hoshana Rabba - 5771

Why is Sukkos After Yom Kippur? (1) - 5771

Why is Sukkos After Yom Kippur? (2), etc. - 5771

Shmini Atzeres - 5770
An introduction to how the Torah ends and how it begins and the connection between them (36 min.)

Understanding the Liviyasan
Rabbi Leff's yearly shiur given on Leil Hoshana Rabba in memory of Yehudis bas Shlomo Yisrael Ostrin of Dolev, murdered by a terrorist booby trap in Matityahu, Leil Hoshana Rabba - 5754 - (60 min.)

The Connection Between the Chagim and Fathers & Sons (in Hebrew)
Delivered to Avos Ubanim of Matityahu at their yearly Simchas Beis Hashoeva, in memory of Avraham ben Yaakov, z"l (7 min.)

Learning to Remove Jealousy (57 min)

Sukkos - Yom Harishon (2:49 min)

Why Sukkos is not in the Spring (4:10 min)

Sukkos and Anti-Semitism (2:33 min)

Minhagim of Hoshana Rabba
Rabbi Leff's yearly shiur given on Leil Hoshana Rabba in memory of Yehudis bas Shlomo Yisrael Ostrin of Dolev, murdered by a terrorist booby trap in Matityahu
Leil Hoshana Rabba - 5754 -
(27:19 min)

Sukkos - The Shleimus of all 3 Regalim
(28:58 min)

Words addressed in Hebrew to gathering of Avos Ubanim on Sukkos - The Connection between Avos Ubanim and the 3 Regalim
(4:26 min)

The following 3 shiurim are 3 parts of Rabbi Leff's yearly shiur given on Leil Hoshana Rabba in memory of Yehudis bas Shlomo Yisrael Ostrin of Dolev, murdered by a terrorist booby trap in Matityahu, Leil Hoshana Rabba 5756

The History behind Celebrating Simchas Torah

Understanding "Ya'aleh V'yavo"

The Connection between "Ata Bachartanu" and the Relationship between a Husband and Wife

Hilchos Yom Tov (43 min.)

BaHa"B BaHa"B in a Nutshell
(3:18 min.)
Tal Umatar (Praying for Rain)

The Halachos and Hashkafos of Praying for Rain
(31 min.)


Chanukah - 5775

Chanukah - Netanya - 5774

חנוכה - תשעד כסלו, שעלבים ישיבת

Chanukah - Delivered to Hamodia Staff via phone - 5774

Chanukah and the Jewish Home - 5773 (53 min.)

The National and Individual Aspects of Chanukah and Purim - 5770

The Unity of the Two Aspects of Chanukah - 5769
(47 min.)

Rav Leff explaining Chanukah to the Mikdash Kids Radio Show - 5769 (9 min.)

Dealing with Difficult Times - 5769
(67 min.)

Tahara & Kedusha - The Essence of the Jewish People - 5768
(52 min.)

Halachos & minhagim of Chanukah - 5763
(55 min.)

What can we learn from the miracles of Chanukah? - 5763
(46 min.)

The Halacha, Hashkafa and History of Chanukah - 5766
(53 min.)

Pirsumei Nisa - Publicizing the Miracle - 5766
(47 min.)

Tu B'Shvat

Tu B'shvat 5774

Tu B'shvat 5773

How to Properly Separate Trumos & Maaseros, Orla (44 min.)

The Connection between Tu B'shvat & Tu B'Av - 5768 (40 min.)

The Connection between Tu B'shvat & Tu B'Av - 5768 (11 min.)

Tu B'shvat Halachos & Hashkafos - The Connection Between Tu B'shvat and Tu B'av, and between Man and Trees.

Tu B'shvat 1

Tu B'shvat 2

Tu B'shvat - What it's Really About - 5766

Tu B'shvat 5771

Shana Meuberes
Birkas HaChama

Hilchos Pesach 5775

תשעד פסח הלכות

Hilchos Pesach 5774

Hilchos Pesach 5773

The Purpose of Shiabud Mitzraim - 5773

B'avor Zeh Osoh Hashem Li - 5771

Hilchos Pesach 5771

Drasha for Neilas haChag, 5770 - Linking Pesach with Shavuous

Drasha for Shvi'i Shel Pesach, 5770- The Destruction of the Egyptian Empire and the Recognition of Malchus Hashem

Drasha for Shabbos Chol HaMoed, 5770 - Redemption and the Love of Hashem

Drasha for Leil Pesach - The Importance of Seder (order) - 5770

Shabbos Hagadol Drasha - Zrizus/Motivation - 5770

Identifying with Yetzias Mitzrayim - 5770

The Purpose of the Seder - 5770

Cleaning for Pesach - 5770

The Ongoing Redemption - 5769

Torah & Nature - Paths to the Love of Hashem - 5769

Hilchos Pesach 5768 - cleaning and kashering the house, how and what to eat on Shabbos erev Pesach, various foods and products
(1 hr. 45 min.)

Using the Power of the Seder to Help Us Break Free From Our Own Personal Mitzrayim (5768)

The Halachos of Erev Pesach that Falls on Shabbos (5768)

Personally Identifying with Yetzias Mitzrayim (5767)

Eating and Talking at the Seder (5767)

Hilchos Pesach (The Laws of Passover) 5767 (2007) - Part 1

Hilchos Pesach (The Laws of Passover) 5767 (2007) - Part 2

Preparing your Kitchen for Peasach - Part I (5765)

Preparing your Kitchen for Peasach - Part II

Some of the Reasons we Eat Matza

Hilchos Yom Tov (43 min.)

Korban Pesach (The Pesach Sacrifice)What Are We Trying to Accomplish at the Seder?

Shiabud Mitzrayim (The Egyptian Slavery)

The Purpose of Slavery - I

The Purpose of Slavery - 2

Shabbos Hagadol Drasha - 5766 - Dayenu

Drasha for the First Night of Pesach

Drasha for Chol HaMoed Pesach (The Intermediate Days)

Drasha for the Seventh Day of Pesach

Seventh Day of Pesach - 5766 - Delivered on the 50th Yahrzeit of Shevach ben Avraham Mordechai Black, and Chaim ben Avraham Moshe Talent's 40th Yahrzeit

Pesach Sheini in a Nutshell
(4:56 min.)

Sefiras haOmer / Lag B'Omer

Halachos of Sefiras HaOmer - 5771

Ideas Behind Sefiras Haomer - 5771

Sefiras Haomer - Mourning the Talmidim of Rebbi Akiva - 5771

Ideas Behind Sefiras Haomer - 5771

Sefiras Haomer and The Three Shabbasos - 5770

Striving Towards Perfection - 5770

Halachos of Sefiras HaOmer - 5769 (22 min.)

Lessons from Sefiras HaOmer (54 min.)

Sefiras HaomerSefiras HaOmer and the Mitzva of Loving our Neighbors as Ourselves

Lag B'Omer in a Nutshell
(4:15 min.)

Yom HaShoah

Yom HaShoah - Debunking the Myth of Jews going as sheep to the Slaughter (22 min.)

The Importance of Remembering the Shoah

Yom HaAtzmaut

Yom Hazikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut - Gratitude, 5770

Different Perspectives on the State of Israel
Deliverd at Sharfman's Seminary, April 16, 2007 (68 min.)

Different Perspectives on the State of Israel - 1st part of a series of lectures deliverd at Michlala Seminary, April 16, 2007 (30 min.)

Yom HaAtzmaut
(59 min.)

Establishing New Yomim Tovim - An analysis of when we are and when we are not allowed to establish yamim tovim - Rabbi Leff discusses the halachos, hashkafos and history of the establishment of Jewish holidays throughout our history and whether or not they apply to Yom Ha'atzmaut. (80 minutes)

Yom Yerushalayim The Meaning behind Yom Yerushalayim - Delivered on the 40th anniversary of the Unification of Jerusalem - 5767 (2007)

Drosha for Shavuos - 5773 - Zman Matan Toraseinu

Drosha for Shavuos - 5771

Preparing for Shavuos - delivered at Aish HaTorah - 5771

Minhagim of Shavuos - 5771

The Five Attributes of Torah - 5770

Drasha for Shavuous - 5770 (45 min.)

Torah Transformation- 5769 (45 min.)

True Peace - 5769 (11 min.)

Various Inyanim About Shavuous - 5769 (44 min.)

Chag Matan Torah (51 min.)

Hilchos Yom Tov (43 min.)

What is the Torah? (50 min.)

Are you prepared for Kabbalas haTorah?

Laws & Customs of Shavuos 1 | 2 | 3

Why do we Celebrate the Giving of the Torah on Shavuous?
(45 min.)

The Importance of Keeping Minhagim (Customs)
(11:40 min.)

Tisha B'av & the Three Weeks

The Structure of the Three Weeks - 5773

Bein Hametzarim - 5773

Kiruv and the Imporance of the Tzibbur - 17th of Tammuz, 5773

Bein Hametzarim and Tisha B'av - 5771

Halachos of the Nine Days- 5771

Halachos of the Three Weeks - 5771

Halachos of the Nine Days - 5770

Halachos of the Three Weeks - 5769

Halachos of the Nine Days - 5769

Halachos of the Nine Days, Part II - 5769

Ikvesa DeMeshicha (in Hebrew) - 5769

Tisha B'av, 5767

Tisha B'av - What We Should Be Accomplishing on This Day

Leil Tisha B'av 5767 - Focusing on 2 things we are lacking since the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash - Shalom and Emes (Peace and Truth).


Tisha B'av, 5766
The Root of Churban Beis Hamikdash
(Destruction of the Temple)
Leil Tisha B'av 5766 (night)- Words of Inspiration - Crying with Thought
Kinos - ליעקב היא צרה עת - Examining the Matzav We're Currently In (The War in Lebanon) And Doing Our Part to Remedy It.
1 Shavas - שבת
2 A'adeh - אאדה
3 Chavatzeles Hasharon - השרון חבצלת
4 Eicha Eli Konnenu Me'eilav - מאיליו קוננו אלי איכה
5 Im Tochalna Nashim Peryam - פרים נשים תאכלנה אם
6 Arzei Halvanon - הלבנון ארזי
7 Mi Yitein Roshi Mayim - מים ראשי יתן מי
8 Eish Tukad B'Kirbi - בקרבי תוקד אש
9 Tzion Halo Tishali - תשאלי הלא ציון
Tisha B'av, 5765
Shmiras Halashon Kenes in Har Nof - 5765 (2005)
"Love & Self Esteem
- Wanting the Best for Others as We Want for Ourselves "

Introduced by Rav Dovid Orlofsky (56 minutes)
Halachos & Hashkafos of Bein Hametzarim (the 3 weeks) 5765

Leil Tisha B'av 5765 (night)- Words of Inspiration-
Crying for a Reason

Kinos 5765
Intro - The Purpose of Aveilus
איכה אצת באפך
איכה ישבה / איכה אלי
זכור אשר עשה צר בפנים / אם תוכלנה נשים פריה
ארזי הלבנון
ואת נוי חטאתי
אז בהלוך ירמיהו על קברי אבות
איך תנחמוני הבל
אש תוקד בקרבי
ציון הלא תשאלי / ציון גברת לממלכות
Tisha B'av, 5764
Kinos - What the Beis Hamikdash was, and what we are missing by not having it, and what we yearn for in the rebuilding of it. Different aspects of the Beis Hamikdash
Al Churban Beis Hamikdash - A hesped for the Beis Hamikdash / A hesped for Am Yisrael
Ohali Asher Taavta - Gilui Schina - The place of revelation of the Divine Presence in the World.
Mi Yiten Roshi Mayim / Kina l'Churban Europe (Holocasut) - Kaparas Avonos - Atonement of our sins
Arzei Halvanon Adirei Hatorah - (10 Harugei Malchus) - Torah, Sanhedrin. The Beis Hamikdash as the source of all spirituality in the world
Eicha Yashva Chavatzelet Hasharon - Kehuna, Kedusha, Tahara.
Eicha Eili Konenu Me'Eilav - Malchus Yisrael, Ga'avas Yisrael, Achdus Yisrael
Im Tochalna Nashim Piryam - The Beis Hamikdash's effect on this world as provider of physical bounty
Eish Tukad b'Kirbi / B'Tzeisi MiMitzrayim- Tisha B'av as a festival to cause us to repent and bring atonement for our sins.
Tzion Halo Tishali / Tzion Giveres - Making the most of a bad situation: What we can do today to compensate for not having a Beis Hamikdash until we have a 3rd Beis Hamikdash
Tisha B'av, 5762
Leil Tisha B'av (night)- Words of Inspiration-
Crying for a Reason
Special Shiur on
Shmiras Halashon
delivered Rosh Chodesh Av, 5762
Dedicated in memory of
HaRav Nachman Bulman, zt"l.
The Halachos and Minhagim of the Nine Days and Tisha B'av - 5762



(Fast Days)

The 17th of Tammuz & the Significance of Yerushalayim

The 10th of Tevet - 5771

The 10th of Tevet - 5766