year on Tisha B'av, hundreds of people flock to Moshav Matityahu
from around Eretz Yisrael to be inspired by Rabbi Leff's poignant
explainations of the Tisha B'av Kinos.
B"H, the shiurim will be available on this website on the
afternoon of Tisha B'Av, you may want to purchase a copy in a
higher quality sound format to listen to at your leisure on a
CD player, or MP3 player, and to have available for the future.
You may now pre-order this year's shiurim on Audio CD or CD-Rom
(.mp3 or .wma files). In addition, we will include some of the
Rav's Tisha B'av Kinos from previous years . Alternately, we can
email the .wma files to you directly on the afternoon of Tisha
B'Av, Israel time.
can be made either through PayPal
or by sending a check to:
P.O. Box 35093, Jerusalem, Israel, 91350. Please include a note
specifying which of the following options you choose, a valid
mailing address, email address, and telephone number for clarification