Bamidbar - Shavuous
Torah - Fire, Water and Desert
Torah Transformation
True Peace
Beha'aloscha I
Set Times for Torah
Beha'aloscha II
Remembering Miriam / Consistency
Beha'aloscha III
Torah is an Opportunity - Not a Burden
Beha'aloscha IV
Separation of the Levi'im
Shelach I
The Prohibition of Maligning Eretz Yisrael
Shelach II
Various Selections from Seder Shelach
Shelach III
The Sin of the Spies
Korach I
Divinely Ordained Roles
Korach II
Various Selections from Seder Korach
Mei Meriva (The Waters of Discord)
Bakak I
3 Whacks, 3 Blessings & 3 Regalim
Balak II
Various Selections from Seder Balak
Balak III
Learning to Think from the Torah's Typography
Balak IV
Bilaam & His Donkey and the Essence of the Jewish People
Balak V
Pinchas I
Leadership, Zealousness and the 17th of Tammuz
Pinchas II
Selections of Topics from Sedra Pinchas and the Three Weeks
Matos-Masei I
Drasha for Matos-Masei
Matos-Masei II
Various Selections from Matos-Masei
Matos-Masei III
Various Selections from Matos-Masei