Breishis | Shmos | Vayikra | Bamidbar | Devarim
Drasha from 5763 | Drasha from 5764 Drasha from 5765 | Drasha from 5766 Drasha from 5767 | Drasha from 5768 Drasha from 5769
Breishis Why the Torah Starts with Breishis
Noach-I The Book of Breishis and the Foundations of Society Noach-II Various topics from the parsha
Lech Lecha Kiruv - Influencing Others Vayera The Give & Take of Chessed Chaye Sarah Marriage & Death
Toldos Listening In to Hashem's Voice Vayeitzei Responding to the Har Nof Massacre
Vayishlach Eretz Yisroel & Olam Haba
Vayeishev-I Sins & Their Roots
Vayeishev-II Various topics from the parsha
Vayeishev-III More various topics from the parsha & Chanuka
Vayeishev-IV Still more various topics from the parsha
Miketz-I Shabbos Chanukah - The Specialness of the Jewish People
Noach-I Olam Chessed Yibaneh - The World is Built on Kindness
Lech Lecha-I Yishuv Eretz Yisroel
Lech Lecha-II Various topics from the parsha
Lech Lecha-III More various topics from the parsha
Vayera-I Chessed
Vayera-II Various topics from the parsha
Vayera-III More various topics from the parsha
Chaye Sarah-I Temimus - Consistency
Chaye Sarah-II Various topics from the parsha
Chaye Sarah-III More various topics from the parsha
Toldos-I Eisav & Yaakov
Toldos-II Various topics from the parsha
Toldos-III More various topics from the parsha
Vayeitzei / Vayishlach Various topics from the parshios
Vayigash-I Collateral Damage
Vayigash-II Various topics from the parsha
Vayechi-I Yichud Hashem
Vayechi-II Various topics from the parsha
Vayechi-III More various topics from the parsha
Breishis-II Why Does the Torah Start with Breishis?
Breishis-III Why Doesn't the Torah Start with an Alef?
Lech Lecha-I
Chaye Sarah-I
Vayishlach-II LIfe's Challenges
Breishis-I Drasha for Breishis
Noach-I Impure Knowledge & Techonology
Noach-II Various topics from the parsha
Lech Lecha-I Derech Eretz Kadma L'Torah
Lech Lecha-II The Test of Lech Lecha - The Mitzva of Eretz Yisrael
Lech Lecha-III Various topics from the parsha
Lech Lecha-IV More various topics from the parsha
Vayera-I Seeking Advice
Chaye Sarah-I Overcoming Limitations
Toldos-I Chanoch Lanaar Al Pi Darko - Personalized Education
Toldos-II Topics from the parsha
Toldos-III More topics from the parsha
Vayeitzei-I Tefilos Avos Tiknum - Three Aspects of Prayer
Vayeitzei-II Various topics from the parsha
Vayeitzei-III More various topics from the parsha
Vayishlach-II Various topics from the parsha
Miketz - Shabbos Chanukah-I
Miketz - Shabbos Chanukah-II Various topics from the parsha
Vayigash-I Drasha
Vayechi-I Sinas Hagoyim & Sinas Amei Haaretz
Breishis-I Our Claim to Eretz Yisrael
Noach-I Two levels of midos
Lech Lecha-I The Chosen Nation
Vayera-I True Love - The Test of the Akeida
Vayera-IV Still more various topics from the parsha
Chaye Sarah-I Death & Marriage Go Together Like a Hearse & Carriage
Toldos-I The Personalities of Yaakov & Esav - Were they Predetermined?
Vayeitzei-I The Power of Torah
Vayishlach-I The Complexities of Life
Vayishlach-III Facing Life's Challenges
Vayishlach-IV Torah Values, Reuvein's Sin
Vayeishev-I Compromises - Good or Bad?
Vayeishev-III More various topics from the parsha
Miketz-I Drasha for Miketz, Chanukah
Miketz-II Drasha for Miketz, Chanukah - 2
Vayigash-I Withstanding the Influences of Galus
Vayechi-I Krias Shema and the Keitz
Vayechi-II The Blessing of Yaakov
Vayechi-III The Bracha to be Like Efraim & Menashe
Vayechi-IV Various topics from the parsha
Breishis-I Why the Torah Started from Breishis (33 min.)
Breishis-II Various Selections from Breishis (53 min.)
Breishis-III More Various Selections from Breishis (38 min.)
Breishis-IV The Significance of Rain (52 min.)
Noach-I Noach & Avraham - Derech Eretz Comes Before Torah (42 min.)
Noach-II Various Selections from Noach (52 min.)
Noach-III More Various Selections from Noach (52 min.)
Lech Lecha-I The Test of Lech Lecha - Settling in Eretz Yisrael (42 min.)
Lech Lecha-II Avraham's 10 Tests - Creating a Reservoir of Power that We Draw Upon till Today (43 min.)
Lech Lecha-III
Vayera-I Fulfilling the Will of Hashem (39 min.)
Vayera-II Various selections from Vayera (44 min.)
Vayera-III More various selections from Vayera (34 min.)
Chaye Sarah-I Joining Heaven & Earth (43 min.)
Chaye Sarah-II Various selections from Chaye Sarah (59 min.)
Chaye Sarah-III More various selections from Chaye Sarah (44 min.)
Vayeishev-Chanukah Don't Take it Easy
Miketz-Chanukah The National and Individual Aspects of Chanukah and Purim
Vayigash-I Yosef's Rebuke of his Brothers
Vayigash-II Various selections from Vayigash
Vayechi-I The Blessing of Ya'akov - The Unity of Hashem & The Unity of Bnei Yisrael Vayechi-II Various selections from Vayechi
Breishis Science & Torah - The Age of the Universe (38 min.)
Noach Rain, The Flood, Tough Love & Kindness (47 min.)
Noach II Walking in the Way of G-d (47 min.)
Lech Lecha The Nisayon of Lech Lecha (46 min.)
Lech Lecha II An Introduction to the 10 Trials of Avraham Avinu (52 min.)
Vayera Advice for Mitzvos (43 min.)
Chayei Sarah Finding a Wife for Yitzchak (39 min.)
Chayei Sarah II The Essence of Marriage (37 min.)
Toldos Yaakov & Esav - Predetermined Behavior? (67 min.)
Vayeitzei Sleep, Dreams & Golus (33 min.)
Vayeitzei II Aspirations & Goals (41 min.)
Vavyishlach I A Tzaddik and His Money (30 min.)
Vayishlach II Various Inyonim in the Parsha (52 min.)
Vayeishev Mitzvos with a happy heart and without comprimises (36 min.)
Vayigash Revenge (49 min.)
Vayechi The Brocha of Efraim & Menashe (45 min.)
Breishis Derech Eretz Kadma L'Torah 33 min.
Noach I 13 min.
Noach II 7:35 min.
Noach III Learning from Noach not to Praise Someone Excessively in Front of Them 27 min.
Lech Lecha The Correlation between Bris Mila and Tikun Hamidos 20 min.
Vayera Receiving Guests and Receiving the Shechina (G-d's Presence) 37 min.
Vayera Various Brief Topics on Parshas Vayera 54 min.
Vayeitzei The Essence of Torah 30 min.
Miketz I Hishtadlus 45 min.
Miketz II 13 min.
Lech Lecha The Essence of Torah (20 minutes)
Chaye Sarah I How we can understand the Torah's instruction to "aquire" a wife. (48 minutes)
Chaye Sarah II Why didn't Avraham Avinu want his son to marry a Caananite girl? (9 minutes)
Breishis The Purpose of the World as Learned from Ma'aseh Breishis (45 minutes)
Vayishlach Nothing in the Torah is Trivial (34 minutes)
Vayeishev What is Life Really About? (39 minutes)
Breishis The Importance of Seeking Advice (33 minutes)
Noach The Prohibition of Spilling Innocent Blood (44 minutes)
Chaye Sarah The Mitzvah of Eulogizing the Dead and Comforting Mourners (45 minutes)
Toldos The Mitzvah of Honoring One's Parents (57 minutes)
Vayeitzei The Mitzvah of Sheva Brachos (42 minutes)
Vayishlach The Mitzvah of Gid Hanashe (Removing the Sciatic Nerve) (33 minutes)
Breishis The Significance of Shabbos (52 minutes)
Noach Pure Speech (7:21 minutes)
Vayigash Insulating Ourselves Against Assimilation (47 minutes)
Vayechi Blessing our Children (41 minutes)