Rabbi Leff Audio Online Homepage



Shabbos Drasha - 5774

Devarim - Chazon
Tochacha & Limud

Vaeschanan - Nachamu
Partially Answered Teffilos & Partial Nechama

Ki Seitzei
The Avoda of Elul

Ki Savo
Vidui Maaser

Nitzavim - Vayeilech I
Siyum Hashana

Shabbos Drasha - 5773

Devarim - Chazon
Shomea Tefilla

Vaeschanan - Nachamu
Seeing is Believing

Perfection in Service to Hashem

Prefaces to Mitzvah Observance and the Month of Elul

Elul and the City of Refuge

Ki Seitzei
Hashavas Aveida (Returning a Lost Article) and Teshuva

Ki Savo
Hakaras Hatov (Appreciation)

Ki Savo
Topics from the Parsha

Nitzavim - Vayeilech I
Teshuva is Within One's Grasp

Nitzavim - Vayeilech II
Topics from the Parsha

Nitzavim - Vayeilech III
More topics from the Parsha

Shabbos Drasha - 5772

Devarim - Chazon

Vaeschanan - Nachamu

Ekev I

Re'eh I

Shoftim I

Shoftim II
Topics from Shoftim

Ki Seitzei I

Ki Seitzei II

Ki Seitzei III
Topics from the parsha

Ki Savo I

Netzavim I

Netzavim II
Various topics from the Parsha

Netzavim III
More various topics from the Parsha

Vayeilech / (T)shuva I

Ha'azinu I

Shabbos Drasha - 5771

Devarim - Chazon I
Mishna Torah - The Written Oral Torah

Vaeschanan - Nachamu I
Seeing the Mikdash

Ekev I
Bishamram Ekev Rav - Creating the World to Come

Re'eh I
The Importance of a Positive Environment

Shoftim I
Malchus & Shleimus

Ki Seitzei I
Milchemes Reshus

Ki Seitzei II
Topics from Ki Seitzei

Ki Seitzei III
More topics from Ki Seitzei

Ki Savo I
Bikkurim and the Foundations of Judaism

Ki Savo II
Topics from Ki Savo

Ki Savo III
More topics from Ki Savo

Ki Savo IV
Still more topics from Ki Savo

Nitzavim - Vayeilech I
Initiating the Teshuva Process

Nitzavim - Vayeilech II
Topics from Nitzvaim - Vayeilech

Nitzavim - Vayeilech III
More topics from Nitzvaim - Vayeilech

Haazinu - Shabbos Teshuva - I

Haazinu - Shabbos Teshuva - II
Topics from Haazinu

Topics for Yom Kippur and Sukkos

Shabbos Drasha - 5770

Devarim I
Drasha for Devarim

Devarim II
Various topics from Devarim

Vaeschanan / Nachamu
National and Individual Comfort




Ki Seitzei I
Declaring War on the Yetzer Hara

Ki Savo I
Vidui Ma'aser - the Ma'aser Confession

Ki Savo II
Various topics from the sedra

Nitzavim - Vayeilech I
Our Bris with Hashem

Nitzavim - Vayeilech II
Various topics from the sedra

Haazinu I
Shabbos Shuva Drosha

Haazinu II
Various topics from the sedra

Vzos Habracha II
Various topics from the sedra

Shabbos Drasha - 5769

The Roots of Merit and Destruction (34 min.)

Yisroel, Vioraysa ViKudsha Brich Hu Chad Hu - Torah and the Jewish People and Reality

Reward for Mitzvas - In This World of the Next? (27 min.)

Renewal (19 min.)

The Structure of Sefer Devarim and The Structure of a Torah Society (19 min.)

Ki Seitzei I
The Pareve Side of LIfe (45 min.)

Ki Seitzei II
Various selections from the parsha (36 min.)

Ki Savo I
The Eternal Protest (46 min.)

Ki Savo II
Various selections from the parsha (51 min.)

Ki Savo III
More various selections from the parsha (37 min.)

Ki Savo IV
The Simcha of Torah & Mitzvos (18 min.)

Nitzavim-Vayeilech I
The Three Stages of Teshuva (35 min.)

Nitzavim-Vayeilech II
Various selections from the parsha (46 min.)

Nitzavim-Vayeilech III
More various selections from the parsha (39 min.)

Various selections from the parsha (38 min.)

Shabbos Shuva Drasha

Shabbos Drasha - 5768

The Seeds and Roots of Sin and Destruction (13 min.)

Vaeschanan - Nachamu - Tu B'av
The Unity or Hakadosh Baruch Hu, The Mitzva of Shema and it's Connection to Shabbos Nachamu and Tu B'av (20 min.)

The Light MItzvos that a Person Tramples Underfoot - version 1 (9 min.)
Simple Mitzvos that People Trample On
- version 2

Seek and You Will Find - A Perspective on Elul (31 min.)

The Connection Between Elul and the Cities of Refuge (35 min.)

Ki Seitzei
Elul & the Cry of the Captive Woman (37 min.)

Ki Savo
Hakaras Hatov (40 min.)
Bringing Together Elul, Bikkurim and Achas Shoalti (44 min.)

Fear & Confidence on Rosh Hashana (28 min.)

Vayeilech - Shabbos Shuva/Teshuva
Shabbos and Teshuva (10 min.)

Rishon L'Cheshbon Avonos - A New Beginning (12 min.)

V'Zos Habracha / Shmini Atzeres
An Introduction to How the Torah Ends & Begins, and the Connection Between Them (36 min.)

Shabbos Drasha - 5767

The Roots of Sin (43 min.)

Vaeschanan - Nachamu
Double Sin - Double Comfort (21.30 min.)

This World is Like a Preparation Room for the World to Come (19 min.)

The Bracha and Klala (Blessing and Curse) Inherint in MItzvas and Aveiros (14 min.)

The institutions of leadership in G-d's kingdom (32 min.)

Ki Seitzei
Effecting Change (35 min.)

Ki Savo
Learning to Rejoice & Appreciate Life from the Curses in the Torah (31 min.)

Shabbos Drasha - 5766

The ongoing process of Galus & Geula - Seeing the big picture (53 min.)

Vaeschanan - Nachamu
If we are still in Golus, and the Beis Hamikdash is still destroyed, why are we celebrating, being consoled? (25 min.)

The prohibition of forgetting about G-d (21 min.)

Learning about Jewish unity from the Torah prohibition against mutilating one's body (11 min.)

Why was the Beis Hamikdash built on a mountain? (10 min.)

Ki Seitzei
Understanding Eishes Yafe Toar (50 min.)

Shabbos Drasha - 5762
Exploring a Mitzvah from the Parsha
Shabbos Drasha - 5763
Parsha & Haftara Connections

Ki Seitzei
Ki Savo
Nitzavim Vayeilech
V'Zos Habracha


Shabbos Drasha - 5764
Exploring a Mitzvah from the Parsha
Shabbos Drasha - 5765